viernes, 3 de octubre de 2014

Dragons in the Land of the Condor: Writing Tusán in Peru


My book on Sino-Peruvian writing, Dragons in the Land of the Condor: Writing Tusán in Peru, was published last week. Please consider ordering it for your university libraries.

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

The University of Arizona Press publishes unique studies of the progressive persuasion, mostly based on the triune RACE-CLASS-GENDER, but at times accepting those studies that are based on the historical approach. Matt Garcia, A World of Its Own: Race, Labor, ... in California, 1775-1805 (2004), is one such. George Mariscal's "Brown-Eyed Children of the Sun" (1996), a prior out- standing contribution and by a polygrapher like the UCSD chair of Chicano Studies, who is also an unusually strong cervantista (my favorite), and a journalist for La Prensa de San Diego.
It is an indication of quality, originality of approach, and solid scholarship to be published by the Univ. of Arizona Press.
Congratulations to López-Calvo.