Japanese Brazilian Saudades: Diasporic Identities and Cultural Production (University Press of Colorado, 2019)
Tusán Literature and Knowlege in Peru. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2014. 243 pages.
Japanese Brazilian Saudades: Diasporic Identities and Cultural Production (University Press of Colorado, 2019)
Tusán Literature and Knowlege in Peru. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2014. 243 pages.
The Affinity of the Eye: Writing Nikkei in Peru (University of Arizona Press, 2013 262 p.)
Latino Los Angeles in Film and Fiction: The Cultural Production of Social Anxiety(University of Arizona Press, 2011. 264 pages)
Read the first page
Read the first page
Imaging the Chinese in Cuban Literature and Culture. Gainesville, Florida: University Press of Florida, 2008. 256 páginas
“God and Trujillo”: Literary and Cultural Representations of the Dominican Dictator. Gainesville, Florida: University Press of Florida, 2005. 232 páginas
New York: EdwinMellen Press, 2002. 309 páginas
London and New York: Routledge, 2001. 197 páginas
Critical Insights. Roberto Bolaño. Salem Press, 2015.
Roberto Bolaño, A Less Distant Star - Critical Essays
Palgrave Macmillan Publishing, 2015
Critical Insights: Magical Realism Ipswich, Massachusetts: Salem Press, 2014

Peripheral Transmodernities: South-to-South Intercultural Dialogues between the Luso-Hispanic World and “the Orient”. Newcastle, England: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012. In both printed and digital versions.
- One World Periphery Reads the Other: Knowing the "Oriental" in the Americas and the Iberian Peninsula. Ed. Ignacio López-Calvo. Newcastle, England: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009. In both printed and digital versions. 405 pages

Alternative Orientalisms in Latin America and Beyond. Newcastle, England: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007. 345 pages. Lea la introducción y el primer capítulo.
LatinxWriting Los Angeles: Nonfiction Dispatches from a Decolonial Rebellion Co-edited with Victor
Valle (U of Nebraska P., 2018)
The Humanities in the Age of Information and Post-Truth. Ed. Ignacio López-Calvo and Christina Lux. Northwestern University Press, 2018.

Proceedings of the Pacific Coast Council on Latin American Studies Conference. From the Macro to the Micro: Latin American Studies in a Global and Local Context. 17 (1999). Ignacio López-Calvo, Enrique Ochoa, and Pete Sigal, co-editors
Proceedings of the Pacific Coast Council on Latin American Studies Conference. El Colegio de la Frontera Norte. Tijuana, Mexico, April 5-8, 18-9 (2001) Ignacio López-Calvo, Enrique Ochoa, and Pete Sigal, co-editors
Translation and Edition of Vélez de Guevara's El diablo cojuelo (Stockcero, 2018)
Translation and Edition of Vélez de Guevara's El diablo cojuelo (Stockcero, 2018)
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