Sobre The Affinity of the Eye: Writing Nikkei in Peru
Review by J.S. Bottaro in Choice (Jan. 2014)
Review in Research Book News (Oct. 2013)
Sobre LatinoLos Angeles in film and fiction
Kim-Rajal, Patricia. 3.5 Camino Real (Spain)
C. Richards, C. 48.11 Choice (Aug. 2011): 468.
48-6682 PS153 2010-30215 CIP Humanities \ General
López-Calvo, Ignacio. Latino Los Angeles in film and fiction: the cultural production of social anxiety. Arizona, 2011. 239p bibl index afp; ISBN 9780816529261, $50.00. Outstanding Title! Reviewed in 2011aug CHOICE.
With this study, López-Calvo (Univ. of California, Merced) reconfigures the field of Latino studies, using Los Angeles as an example of how unresolved transnational dynamics, dating back to the Spanish occupation and the Mexican-American War, continue to impact Latino identities and communities. The author extends the scope of Latino studies by including works by non-Latino and Latin American writers as well as by Chicano/Latinos. Innovative topics include multiculturalism as racial anxiety; "spectacularization" of Latino gangs by mainstream media; and the phenomenon of edge cities and "privatopias." Equally pertinent is the diversity of literature and film López-Calvo covers: Helena Maria Viramontes's novel Their Dogs Came with Them as witness of impersonal use of power when freeway construction severs a Latino barrio from the larger metropolis; Edward James Olmos's film Walkout and the 1968 strike at an East LA high school when protesting students were viciously beaten by LAPD; Graciela Limón's Erased Faces, in which an East LA Chicana travels to aid Zapatistas, then realizes her knowledge is more useful for addressing her own barrio's problems; and Euro-American T. Coraghessan Boyle's Tortilla Curtain, in which a liberal, wealthy homeowner confronts environmental racism (gated communities) and the politics of (no) space for the homeless. Summing Up: Highly recommended. Upper-division undergraduates through faculty. -- J. C. Richards, Park University
Book News Inc. April 2011
Honorato, Elizabeth. "Películas de latinos en Los Ángeles, ¿realidad o ficción?" La Voz, cultura y noticias hispanas del Valle del Hudson (Oct. 2011)
Review by J.S. Bottaro in Choice (Jan. 2014)
Review in Research Book News (Oct. 2013)
Sobre LatinoLos Angeles in film and fiction
Kim-Rajal, Patricia. 3.5 Camino Real (Spain)
C. Richards, C. 48.11 Choice (Aug. 2011): 468.
48-6682 PS153 2010-30215 CIP Humanities \ General
López-Calvo, Ignacio. Latino Los Angeles in film and fiction: the cultural production of social anxiety. Arizona, 2011. 239p bibl index afp; ISBN 9780816529261, $50.00. Outstanding Title! Reviewed in 2011aug CHOICE.

Honorato, Elizabeth. "Películas de latinos en Los Ángeles, ¿realidad o ficción?" La Voz, cultura y noticias hispanas del Valle del Hudson (Oct. 2011)

- Sobre Caminos para la paz Se reseñó en los siguientes periódicos, revistas, programas de radio y sitios web: A Contratiempo (USA), A Cultural Magazine (USA), La Voz. Cultura y Noticias Hispanas del Valle del Hudson (USA), Agencia
Nova (Argentina), Clarín (Argentina), Página 1 (Argentina), La opinión (Argentina), La opinión Rafaela (Argentina), Los Andes.Com (Argentina),
El día (Argentina), El gallo en Alpargatas (Chile), Marruecos Digital (Morocco), Indymedia (Morocco), Nurain Magazine (Morocco), Artesanías literarias (Israel), El portal de los argentinos en Israel (Israel), El portal de los uruguyos en Israel (Israel), Olei. Organización Latinoamericana, España y Portugal en Israel (Israel), Radio Piedra Libre (radio; Israel), Programa Entremundos (radio; Israel), El corresponsal de Medio Oriente y África (Israel), La Caja (Spain), and El Adelantado de Segovia (Spain).
Sobre God and Trujillo
- Castro, William. Latin American Literary Review 35.69 (2007): 142-4
- González, Alfonso. The International Fiction Review. University of New Brunswick, Canada. 34.1-2 (2007): 183-4
- Valerio-Holguín, Fernando. Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CJLACS; Journal of the Canadian Association for Latin American Studies)31.61 (2006): 252-53
- Beatson, Jennifer M. Choice 43.5 (Jan. 2006): 859
43-2698 | PQ7082 | 2005-40774 MARC |
Humanities \ Language & Literature \ Romance | ||
"God and Trujillo": literacy and cultural representations of the Dominican dictator. University Press of Florida, 2005. 196p bibl index afp ISBN 0-8130-2823-X, $59.95. Reviewed in 2006jan CHOICE. | .||
López-Calvo (California State Univ., Los Angeles) has produced an unprecedented and ambitious literary and cultural synthesis of biographies, historical fiction, and even musical compositions that have focused on Trujillo with varying degrees of verisimilitude. By discussing the interplay of treatments of Trujillo's politics and persona, the author underscores the dictator's lingering, extensive, largely negative influence. Nevertheless, the final analysis that "all dictators are the same dictator" does not negate the "spirit of liberation [which] has managed to survive" among the Dominican people. LD'opez-Calvo skillfully situates the Trujillato in a broad Latin American historical context as derived from Spanish conquistadores, while also contextualizing the novel of the dictator and its evolution from Columbus's "invention" of America to the "sensationalistic prism" through which a chiefly North American readership views Latin America. Likewise, he draws apt parallels among fictional works and between these works and historical documents from the regime, particularly those focusing on Trujillo's quirks and abuses. LD'opez-Calvo's evaluation of literary representations is balanced, and he does not hesitate to signal flawed works (e.g., those with debatable literary merit, those that present Trujillo in an unduly positive light, those suffering from didacticism). Summing Up: Highly recommended. Upper-division undergraduates through faculty. -- J. M. Beatson, Gordon College |
Sobre Written in Exile
Solomianski, Alejandro. Pie de Página 2 (2004): 76-77
Pearson, Lon. “External and Internal Exile in Literature.” Chasqui 32.2 (Nov. 2003): 142-8

Asensio, Pilar. Mester 22 (2003): 211-4
Acereda, Alberto. Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica 50.1 (2002): 602-04
O’Connell, Patrick. Hispania 85.4 (2002): 854-55
Sobre Religión y militarismo en la obra de Marcos Aguinis 1963-2000
Manuel García-Castellón.Yiddish (Modern Jewish Studies) (2008)
Hewitt, JC. Hispanófila. 145 (2005): 85
Mantero, José María. Pie de Página 2 (2004): 85-86
Schraibman, José. Revista de Estudios Hispánicos 37.1(2003): 222-3
Page, Joanna. Bulletin of Spanish Studies 81.1 (2004): 135-6.
Sobre Las sirenas del castigo

De París, Marta. Alba de América 24.45-6 (July 2005): 491-2
Coria-Sánchez, Carlos. Alba de América 25.47-48 (2006): 515-8
Sobre Alternative Orientalisms in Latin America and Beyond
Lee, Alejandro. Journal of Chinese Overseas 5-1 (2009): 215-18
46-1364 | PQ7372 | 2008-1589 CIP |
Humanities \ Language & Literature \ Romance | ||
Imaging the Chinese in Cuban literature and culture. University Press of Florida, 2008. 227p bibl index afp; ISBN 9780813032405, $59.95. Reviewed in 2008nov CHOICE. | .||
What makes this study so insightful is the author's elaborate approach: López-Calvo (Univ. of California, Merced) mixes perspectives from literature with cultural and historical data gathered in interviews and extensive bibliographic research. Chinese Cuban subjects (including some still in Cuba) talk about themselves and about their family histories, never losing sight of their experiences as new arrivals to the island of Cuba. The book conveys the difficulties these individuals underwent in the accommodation process and their reactions as Cuba drifted in a different political direction after 1959, when many Chinese Cubans moved to California or New York City. The author includes extensive quotes from contemporary novels based on some intriguing adventures, and the contrast between the fictional projections of characters and the testimonials from the interviews is striking. Chapters on the Cuban Chinese "hostile path to hybridity," religious syncretism, and new paths open for women to escape arranged marriages in the old country provide nuanced perspective. Including a great deal of useful historical context, this title conveys a sense of the complexity of the exchanges between the two cultures. Summing Up: Recommended. All readers, all levels. -- O. B. González, Loyola University of Chicago |
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